The Rules

The News

GAMS Assassins Game 2006 - "Get to Know Your Victim"

6PM October 14 - 8ish PM October 28

The Goal: Kill every target you get, and stay alive till the end.

The Winners:

- those who are alive when the game ends

- the player with the highest kill count

- miscellaneous happy fun-time categories, to be determined by the Council

How it Works:

After you kill your target, your next target is the one they were hunting; if at any point you kill the person who was hunting you, or you figure out your next target is already postmortem, e-mail the Council for your next assignment.

The game will end when all potential targets are decomposing, or after break time on the night of the Halloween party (October 28)

The Points System:

+1 for every target you kill, or for killings done in self-defense

+2 for off-campus killings

-1 for every bystander (non-club member) you kill

+1 for a super cool method of killing (if your target e-mails the Council sayin' so)

+1 for a twitch-happy gruesome death sequence of DOOM (if your killer e-mails the Council singing your praises)

+0 for killing club members who are neither your target nor are targeting you (no pre-emptive self-defense, folks--it just doesn't count)

+0 if bystanders notice you killing your target

The Rules:

1) You can only use the same killing method once

- All killing methods must be equivalent to something in real life

- No communicable diseases

2) If you get noticed killing your target by bystanders, the kill isn't worth any points, but your target stays dead.

- If you kill club members who aren't your target and who aren't targeting you, it just doesn't count. Bad you, baaad.

3) No killing in Confer 128, or for a half-hour before and after club in any location.

4) Break-time slaughtering outside of Confer 128 are sanctioned. Nay, encouraged.

5) No killing people during their classes, work study jobs, or in the bathroom. Please.

6) Those who actually kill someone will immediately be referred to the police.

7) No bodily or property damage, please. Mental scarring is A-okay.

E-mail the Council when:

You make a kill (if your target died a point-worthy death, report it at this time)

You killed your would-be killer

You just died a glorious, horrible, point-to-your-killer death

You opened a letter bomb and half the Caf died with you (or for other such bystander deaths)