Metting Minutes
Biochem Club meeting Jan 27, 2003

Attendence: Jake Hansen, Katie Hoffman, Claire Poppe

T-shirts: We are still working on the design. It will be ready soon.

Science on Sat: The bio department at the high school was contacted, we are waiting to hear back. The date is April 12.

Science Museum: This is a campus wide event. Group rates are about $12 if there are at least 15 people. It would be cheaper if we had people volunteer to drive their cars and then pay them for gas than renting school vans. We will ask senate for money in budget. March 1 was decided.

Budget: We will ask Senate for money for the science museum and science on sat- the chem club used $170 for this last time, this is money for the liquid nitrogen ice cream and experiment supplies.

BBQ: At Dr. Dahlseid's on May 10, we will probably use our caf cards to pay for food.

Research: Check website for research opportunities, or talk to Dr. Dahlseid for more information.

Next Meeting: Feb 17!