Metting Minutes
Having a more formal meeting outline was discussed. It should include a

call to order, old business, and new business.

Science on Sat:

Biochem club is organizing one in the spring. Come to the next meeting

ready to pick a date. Possibly 7-9 graders. Think of ideas for a

biochem experiment.


they will be approximately $8, royal blue with white writing, and will

say Gustavus Biochem Club. If you want a T-shirt and weren't at the

meeting, e-mail Matt Lieser soon with name and size, and he will be

ordering them.


Jake designed the page, and it will be up and running soon. Any ideas

for links, etc. can be brought up at the next meeting. We should

include research experiences people have had.

Spring BBQ:

at Dr. Dahlseid's house, possibly use our declining balance accounts to

pay for the food


~$170 for Science on Sat? We will see what ideas we have for

experiments before we decide how much money we will need. Maybe get

some money for the BBQ.

Science Museum:

field trip next semester that is open to campus. Money from senate?


It is ready to submit.

Bulletin Board:

We have 2 different boards available to us. Ideas for things on the

board: club members, senior majors with surveys, molecule of the month,

upcoming club events.

Interviews for Biochem position:

The search has been narrowed down to 3 candidates. They will each be

giving a seminar starting next week. Student feedback is needed, talk

to Dr. Dahlseid if you are interested in giving feedback on the

seminars, or going to lunch with candidates.