Fall 2008 Newsletter
New Alumnae Relations Chairs
We are passing on the torch to Stacey Hinrichs and Alyssa Gilgenbach! We are very excited for them to take over. They will do an excellent job! Their contact info is shinrich@gac.edu and agilgenb@gac.edu.

New Members Period
We have 17 new members this year, and they are all great. The theme this year was reality t.v., which has proved to be really fun! Their folders were Mtv Made themed (MADE: I want to be a Sigma!) and we had a Top Chef night and a Project Runway night. We taught them about badge attire by having a What Not to Wear session! Other fun events were: capture the flag with the Grey's, kickball with SAE, our annual song off with the Eppies, and an Emmy Award night at the end. Initiation took place on two nights, and we are happy to have all the girls that started as initiated sisters. They will all bring a lot to our sisterhood.
Facebook Group
As many of you know, we started an Alumnae Facebook group. The group is called SSS Eta Theta Alumnae, so join if you haven't already! We post pictures and events, update you on upcoming events, and it is a great way to stay connected with your Sigma sisters!

New Officer Board: Congratulations!
President: Jacquelynn Williams
Vice President: Tracy Saunders
Treasurer: Laura Janzen
Secretary: Amanda Hochstatter
Recruitment Director: Erin Mason
Education Director: Chelsea Roberts
Pledge Leaders: Karen West, Lauren Crome, Alyssa Gilgenbach, and Kate Pearson

Sigma Week
For our 10th anniversary on the Gustavus campus, we are hosting Sigma Week. We will be raising awareness about ALS and raising money for the ALS foundation. We will be bagging groceries for tips in Mankato, hosting a poker tournament for campus, and hosting the Dive on Friday night! On Saturday we have Appetizers with the Alumnae at Whiskey River; we are excited to see those of you planning to come!

AAB Members
We are currently seeking alumna members to hold positions on our Alumnae Advisory Board. In order to be an advisor, you must be a Sigma alumnae, be current on your dues (they are much cheaper, we believe somewhere around $35 a year) and fill out a volunteer application. More information can be found at sigmasigmasigma.org. The time commitments vary, and we would appreciate any guidance from you! Contact us if you are interested.
The theme was Let the Games Begin and we participated in events all week including window painting, talent show, trivia, air guitar contest and the parade. The Gusties lost but we still had a great time. Thanks to those of you who made it to the BBQ, it was great to see you!
Robbie Page Memorial
The silent auction will be held on Saturday, December 6th from 2:30 to 7:00 in the Dive. A portion of the proceeds will be going to the Cancer Kids Fund of Children's Hospitals and Clinics. We hope to see you there!
New Website
Sigma Sigma Sigma launched a new website recently, still at: sigmasigmasigma.org. There is a new portion called Sigma Connect, which is similar to Facebook, but exclusively for Sigmas! Please friend us if you join!

Fall banquet this year was camping at Minneopa State Park. S'mores were enjoyed by all! The weather was cold but we had fun bonding with our new sisters!

Sigmas Love Halloween!
As an IGS community service event we participated in Trick-or-Canning. We advertised for and collected nonperishable food items for the St. Peter Area Food Shelf. We sold Boo Grams as a fundraiser so Gusties were able to get their Halloween candy fix.