Greens Minutes:
Greens in attendance: Susan, Katie, Natalie, Joe, David, Sarah, Nicole, Jessica, Della,
Amy, Drew, Matt, Scott, Haven
Yay!! Board is backing the wind turbine- now, just need to get variance from city
J-term even?
'Go Green or Go Home' -form a presentation, talk about being green, etc
Is this something that those who will be here this J-term would be interested in?
Progressives Dinner
Time: Wednesday 21st - anywhere between 5 and 7
Need to ask other groups
Location: Courtyard Cafe
Greens: ½ man course~ shish kebabs
Dems: Drinks
Still need: (DM, ASAP/Shift, WAC, Q&A)
Desert, salad, other ½ of main course, etc
Eco-Challenge: (major planning next week)
Two weeks - big ending: GREENS THANKSGIVING!!!!
Brainstorm for the Calendar:
Don't eat meat for a day, Green craft night, don't take tray in
cafe, don't by plastic bottles, turn off water, don't use car, don't
use personal computers and go to library, turn heat off when in
class, turn water off while later, time your shower, turn off lights
(res hall and academic buildings), bring own cup to courtyard,
shorter cycles in washers, air dry, unplug appliances when not using
(TV, Microwaves, cell phone chargers, other types of entertainment
systems, lamps, fans, computers, power strips, etc), pick up 3
pieces of trash, return lost gusty wear
SIERRA CLUB Come and Speak
Freagan Swap/ Rummage Sale
International Day of Climate Change (October 24th - Put it on the Calendar (part of
Commission 350)
Power Shift:
Is anyone interested in attending?
Big conference in D.C.
If so, please e-mail (as soon as possible)
Men's leadership team:
Wondering if anyone is interested in coming?
Free ropes course; activities and discussion
Interested: e-mail Justin Lund (begins at 9 to 3 or 4)
Meet at 3 Flags at 9 am this Saturday!!
Health Care teach-in sponsored by DM, libs, Dems
Matt Etenza come to speak? big part of platform: wind energy (soon... more info coming
Katie Webster