
Zeynep Tuzcu:
Who ARE you...?!
-My name's Zeynep, but I go by Z-Dawg, Z-Cat, and occasionally Z-Pain. I am a photo-taking freshwoman here at the home of teraGACtles. I hail from the city of Minneapolis, also known as Kenhood, although I was born in Turkey. I'm a psych major, because brains are cool. Spanish minor, porque me fascinan los idiomas.
What do you DO?! (instrument, voice, event actuator)
-I sing my little heart out! I also play piano, guitar, and bass if necessary. But I love learning new instruments! (hint hint, Dempsey Schroeder)
How long have you BEEN musically active?!
-I have been singing in choir and for fun my entire eighteen years of living, and I played piano frequently up until I was 15. I taught myself guitar right after this and have been playing since.
What IS your musical history?!
-I am a complete and total hipster...which I am criticized for frequently (I mean, at least I can embrace it). But this has allowed me to have a more versatile repertoire as far as singing goes. Like I said, I have been doing musical stuff as long as I can remember. My best friend, who I won't name (ERICA FERNSTROM), is a killer sax player, and we jam all the time.
Are you a part of ANY bands or musical groups?
-I have a tiny, not-so-existent, two-person band with my friend who's still in high school back in Minneapolis by the name of Lausten Sound. But here, I have a not-so-existent band known as Zeynep and the Revolution (looking for new band names?). I mostly write my own stuff and then share it with other people, that's the best way to excel musically and form a band.
Do you have any musical goals IF any?!
-I want to get better at performing by myself in front of crowds! I'm so used to performing with choirs that I never really get the chance to do so on my own. Musical B.A.R. has already taught me how to do this better!
What do you hope to GET out of The Musical B.A.R.?
-Um...see above. But, it's always possible to improve performance skillz. Yeah, I did just put a "z" at the end of that. I also love meeting new people and B.A.R. has helped me to do that as well (even though there are at least 100 more members that don't ever come to the meet'n'greets...come on guys). To quote a wonderfully wise teacher, mentor, and music-lover, "Peace, Love, and Music." |