
Tau Mu Tau Sorority


The Tau Mu Tau Sorority embraces a diverse group of women with their own interests and ideas. We achieve this special quality of togetherness by sharing our talents, caring for, and believing in one another. Through our activities, social gatherings, service projects, and weekly meetings, we build upon the friendships that we have started. These friendships will always be an important part of our Gustavus experience. We establish this constitution and agree to abide by its provisions and the decisions of the organization created herein.

Article I.
The name of the organization shall be the Tau Mu Tau Sorority. The colors of the sorority shall be maroon and grey.

Article II.
The mission of Tau Mu Tau is to provide an enlightening and enjoyable experience that combines friendship and unity, and integrates the development of values with intellectual and social growth.

Article III.
It is the policy of Tau Mu Tau to provide an important social outlet and a basis for friendship opportunities for all, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sex, natural origin, marital status, handicap, veteran status, and economic status.

Article IV.
The sorority shall consist of women, but will not discriminate against any male who is interested in membership in the sorority. Members must be enrolled as full time students at Gustavus Adolphus College and must have been so for at least two full semesters before their decision to join the sorority. Each member shall have a grade point average not lower than 2.5 following the end of her first two semesters at Gustavus Adolphus College. Each member shall be in good disciplinary and academic standing with the college; they shall not be active in the sorority if they are on disciplinary or academic probation. Each member must have completed the Tau Mu Tau formal initiation ceremony, and have paid the appropriate membership dues for the corresponding semester.

Article V.
§ 1. Each member of the sorority, except the president, shall have one vote.
§ 2. Three-fourths of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.
§ 3. A quorum shall be required to conduct voting.
§ 4. The president shall have one vote used only when necessary to break a tie.

Article VI.
§ 1. The President shall call regular meetings at a specific time. This time will be set by the President and the sorority at the first meeting at the beginning of each semester.
§ 2. The sorority has the right to require attendance of all members at any or all meetings during the semester. This may be enforced monetarily.
§ 3. Extra, emergency or special meetings deemed necessary by the President and officers may be called throughout the year.

Article VII.
Each member shall be required to pay a specified amount for dues each semester as determined by the sorority.

Article VIII.
The Tau Mu Tau Sorority shall have one official advisor who shall be a staff or faculty member. They shall serve as an advisor for financial management and will sign off on a schedule of initiation period. They shall be invited to attend all activities, such as Big Party, informals, banquets, and general meetings.

Article IX.
The officers of the sorority shall be elected by secret ballot with each active member having the right to cast one vote per position. The former President shall count the votes, with the individual getting the majority vote winning the position. Necessary procedures will be taken to establish a healthy and stable transition. Each of the former officers will spend one afternoon with the newly elected officers, to discuss and teach their job duties. The officers of the sorority shall consist of the following:
§ 1. President - Shall preside over all meetings, enforce the Constitution, appoint committees and subcommittees, and serve as the main contact with the advisor.
§ 2. Vice President - Shall plan and organize the sorority's social activities, both with other organizations and within the sorority. Two positions open per semester.
§ 3. Secretary - Shall keep a record of all meetings, distribute minutes to all members, and inform members of any special meetings or called activities. Two positions open per semester.
§ 4. Treasurer - Shall collect all dues, pay all bills, balance the Tau Mu Tau bank account and checkbook, be responsible for periodic financial reports, and keep a record of all money transactions done in the business of the sorority.
§ 5. Historian - Shall maintain a sorority scrapbook, and document and photograph all events. Two positions open per semester.
§ 6. Community Service - Shall arrange all service projects in which the sorority will participate in St. Peter and surrounding communities. Two positions open per semester.
§ 7. Inter-Greek Senate (IGS) Representative - Shall represent the sorority at all IGS meetings, and report Senate minutes to the sorority at each weekly meeting. Two representatives.
§ 8. Rush Leader - Shall organize and lead all events during the Rush period.
§ 9. Calisthenics Leader -
§ 10. Sergeant-at-Arms -

Article X.
§ 1. No prospective members shall be promised any place in the sorority. Those participating in the formal Big Party during this period shall include active members, our advisor, and invited guests. Big Party is a preliminary function that provides an opportunity for actives to get better acquainted with prospectives. It would also allow the prospective member to find out more about our organization. Entertainment would include an informal dinner, songs, skits, and a slide show, which would be paid for by the sorority.
§ 2. Our criteria for selection are based on the academic and social standing of the individual. Along with maintaining a 2.2 grade point average, her involvement with other extracurricular activities is recognized. What type of interest she has in the group and the active members.
§ 3. Membership into the sorority is determined by a majority vote and will follow our non-discrimination policy.
§ 4. Length of Rush shall not exceed the time that IGS schedules and votes on. All initiation activities are optional for prospective members to attend.
§ 5. All sorority activities during initiation period will comply with the Student Code of Rights, local laws, and the Inter-Greek code of initiation activities, and both the sorority and/or its individual members will be subject to prosecution by the proper authorities for violation of any of the above-named rules.
§ 6. Mom stuff
§ 7. Schedule and rules for actives.
§ 8. Rush leaders make sure everyone knows the rules.
§ 9. Any prospective member has the right to de-activate herself from initiation process and activities. In taking these actions, she is permanently cancelling her membership in the Tau Mu Tau sorority.
§ 10. Mandatory class attendance during Rush.
§ 11. There will be no hazing of any kind during the Rush period. Hazing is defined by any activity that is physically or mentally harmful to the individual. We will also follow how hazing is defined in the Gustie Guide.
§ 12. There will be times set aside in the Rush period schedule for studying for both actives and prospectives.

Article XI.
§ 1. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor.
§ 2. A sufficient amount of alternative beverages and food will be provided at all functions and paid for by the sorority.
§ 3. Each function will have an identified individual who will be responsible for checking identification.
§ 4. All beverages will be provided in the same glasses to help limit peer pressure.
§ 5. Consumption of alcohol cannot and will not be the main focus or the mail purpose of any activity.
§ 6. Any member or prospective member who is believed to have a problem with any controlled substance, as observed by any member or prospective member, shall be referred to the proper counselors at Gustavus Adolphus College.
§ 7. This organization is responsible for abiding by rules stated in the Gustie Guide.
§ 8. Any violation of this alcohol policy by members and perspective members outside or organized activities are not the responsibility of the sorority. Each member shall be responsible for her own actions.
§ 9. Each sorority function shall have at least two members present who will be responsible for remaining sober throughout the entire function to provide assistance if necessary.

Article XII.
Inactive status is defined as follows:
(a) a member is considered inactive by her personal choice, and any active member has the option to become inactive at any time after acceptance into the sorority, and
(b) inactive status may occur due to disciplinary or academic probation.

Article XIII.
All questions of misconduct and unacceptable behavior will be referred to the judicial board for determination of the seriousness of the offense. Punishment will be determined and administered by the judicial board after a meeting with the member in question. The determination of punishment will follow college and IGS policies.


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