Minutes 09/17/09


Minutes!! :)

Greenies present: Brit, Susan, Katie, Scott, Haven, Natalie, Drew, Aaron, Rebecca,
Jericho, Sarah, Leslie, Audrey, Katie #2, Tina, Ben, Raquel (sorry if that isn't spelled
correctly...), and Cole

Jim Dontje put in a guest appearance ...thanks Jim!

**5th Quarter Post-Game after the Homecoming football game; Greens MIGHT table from 3-7
(Sat Oct 10), most likely in shifts, to talk to alumni about current goings-on.  Email
Katie if you are interested in participating so we can get a feel for numbers.

**Crop Walk sponsored by the CSC, Sun Oct 11 (all afternoon), raising money for global
poverty issues.  Booth at crop walk is a possibility, as well as doing the walk itself. 
Email Katie if interested so we can get a feel for numbers.

^^We need to know if there is more interest in the crop walk or the homecoming event, so
PLEASE send katie your input!!

**The Greens constitution is being updated.  If you would like to have any input, please
show up at 7:45 for next week's meeting, and you can read/amend/update the new

Turbine Update:
--We are in the planning stage of how to take action on this and so far we are looking
for people to form 5 different committees:
1. Advertising (we need LOTS of people to work on this)
2. Public Relations (make sure we don't piss anyone off)
3. Contacts (talk to people in high places and keep good connections with people who can
help us)
4. Logistics (Working out plans and ideas)
5. Nobel (Tabling during Nobel)

Email Katie or Susan about which (if any) committees you'd like to be a part of and what
you'd like to help with.  More details about these things will be discussed at the next

--We want to talk to the trustees and appeal to their vision to bring people to GAC
--We want to talk about the persistent visual
--We want to gain community support
--We want to show that students CARE
--If we get the Board on our side, we are confident we can make it work
--We will try to advertise through bathroom talk, PA's, table tents, petitions,
teach-in/speak-out, etc.


The next meeting will be crucial for planning so please be there!

Peace and love! <3

Brit Barkholtz

Greens House