Minutes 3/25/10

Hey guys!

Here are tonight's minutes. We had a bit of a dilemma, and it's pretty much resolved now,
but you still might want to read about what happened.  Good luck with midterms and have a
fun and safe Spring Break!


Greens Minutes
25 March 2010

Susan talked with the SAO office and found out that there is a speech tournament Friday
and Saturday so we would be unable to have the concert we were planning for the end of
Earth Week.  Also, the Musical Bar is planning on having their own event on Saturday
night, but we might be able to co-host that concert instead of doing nothing.  We could
also have green crafts or a green activity with that event.
We also might not be to have an outdoor movie depending on viewing rights.  But we have
other ideas!

Other Options
-Bonfire and Smores
-Any other locations for outdoor concert?
-Wednesday Night Concert the day before Earth Day
-Concert the Sunday before to kick off the week (18th)
-Concert the Sunday after Earth Day (25th)
-Bike Ride on Saturday?

Other Ideas
-T-shirt making w/Freegan Swap
-'Plant a Seed' Event on Monday/Tuesday
        -planting herb/vegetable seeds in yogurt containers
        -need potting soil and seeds
        -request containers from caf
        -save your empty yogurt containers!

GustieWare Rush
-150 returned!
-Do another one during Earth Week
         -carry over numbers from first event

Tentative Schedule
-Monday/Tuesday= Tabling and Planting Party
-Wednesday/Thursday/Friday=Arb Events, Freegan Swap/T-shirt Making, GustieWare  Rush
-Saturday= Bonfire, Concert with crafts?, Bike Ride?
-Sunday= Concert with crafts?

Susan- Check with the Musical Bar to make sure they have a space reserved

Email any other suggestions/ ideas to Susan!

Greens House